Matter Of

The dash, or “horizon” is used as a key element of the new identity. It’s part of the logo and can also be used for quotes, titles etc.

The website combines all the central elements of the identity.

Matter Of: new—land

Presentation and pitch decks are an important medium in the film and advertisement industry. We applied the identity to these decks and created a variety of templates for different uses.

The online-shop is a central part of the new website. We also created a range of merchandise products for it.

We created a small collection in collaboration with camera manufacturer AATON, based on the legendary Penelope camera.

Matter Of: new—land
Matter Of: new—land
Matter Of: new—land

The collection consists of a T-Shirt, cap, a Nalgene bottle, a sticker pack and custom printed packaging.

Matter Of: new—land

The grid system and dash allows for flexible and varied Instagram assets, static and animated. Only two font sizes are used to keep a clean look.

Matter Of: new—land
Matter Of: new—land

Promotional posters.


Identity and website for new—land, a Scandinavian film production company based in Stockholm, Copenhagen and London.

The animated new new–land logo. 

The new identity is be based on a simple and flexible grid system, consisting of a fixed number of columns.

The dash in the new—land logo is stretched to the start of the next columns, and the following text starts there as well.

Depending on the width of the column and/or font size, the dash in new—land has a different length.

The logo with a long version of the dash on a bucket hat.

The identity is also applied to various merchandise products.

The complete new–land and AATON collaboration.

new–land represents a diverse roster of directors and photographers, working across commercials, music videos, branded content, documentaries and film. The heterogeneous content is held together by the clean identity system.

Announcement for the new website and identity on Instagram.