Matter Of

The “Impact through Sound” system

Combining illustration and text with imagery.

Matter Of: HearDis!
Matter Of: HearDis!

35 animated illustrations for the “Impact through Sound” system. Each illustration stands for a different impact or result.

The website combines all the central elements of the identity.

An animated version of the logo, on the three corporate colors green, beige and grey.

One of the main services of HearDis! is instore music. To give customers a better overview of the music being played, a customizable dashboard is used that displays the different genres, tempos, moods, etc.

Matter Of: HearDis!

The identity is not only applied to the website, but to a variety of other projects and products.

Matter Of: HearDis!

Presentation and pitch decks are an important medium for agencies. A variety of templates helps HearDis! in creating individual decks for different uses.

The identity used on social media.

Matter Of: HearDis!
Matter Of: HearDis!

The “Impact through Sound” keyphrase on the stationery.

Matter Of: HearDis!

A custom made scarf that also uses the two sides and combines the elements text, images and illustrations.

Matter Of: HearDis!

The HearDis! mascot transports their vision and mission: Tailor-made sound solutions.

Matter Of: HearDis!

A promotional poster to announce the new identity.


New identity and website for audio branding agency HearDis! HearDis! designs, produces and implements strategic sound branding solutions for brands, entertainment and culture. They aspire to revolutionize the way brands approach customer experience by holistically addressing all senses, with music as a key component.

The main task in creating the identity was to find a way to represent sound without resorting to played-out images.

Testing out the system.

The concept for this is a specially created two-sided system of images, text and illustrations, the “Impact through Sound” system.

Individual results for specific clients are achieved through custom services from HearDis!. Each case has its own impact, and its own service.

Various flyers for different clients of HearDis!.

Stickers with individual illustrations.

A hardware player with HearDis! stickers.

The system creates a varied, unique and emotional overview of HearDis!’ work and can be applied to all types of needs.

Late night discussions with the team.

A glow in the dark key hanger with the mascot.